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tintin 例句用作名词(n


  tint 常用词汇 英 [t?nt]    美[t?nt]     n. 色彩; 浅色; 染发剂vt. 给 ... 染色 名词:tinter过去式:tinted过去分词:tinted现在分词:tinting第三人称单数:tintsnewtint的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)色彩,色调,色度,色泽痕迹,迹象浅色,淡色染发剂浓淡【物】色辉【镌板】线晕【印】淡色底色带白的颜色气息v.(动词)使受影响染(发)给...着(染)色作线晕为…轻微染色,给…略微着色着上(淡)色英英释义Noun:a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color;

  "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"

  Verb:color lightly;

  "her greying hair was tinged blond"

  "the leaves were tinged red in November"

  tint的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)Tint leaves the footage colors but wipes out darks.

  著色使得画面的色彩,但清除掉深色衣物。Today salt-loving bacteria thrive in brine pools on the dry lake bed, lending a blood-red tint in this aerial view.

  如今,喜爱盐分的宅细菌在干涸湖床上的咸水池里繁茂生长,使得这幅空拍画面带着血红的色彩。She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint.

  她告诉我如何使用染发剂。 词汇搭配tint control色度控制tint tool线晕雕刻刀,刻线刀...secondary tint柔和的颜色oxidation tint氧化色hypsometric tint分层设色tint indicator色调指示器half tint中间色调tint screen色调屏tint volume色度量reddish tint红相heat tint回火颜色diffuse tint渗流色经典引文

  It is nearly colourless, having only a slight tint of yellow.

  出自:T. Thomson

  We..see..a bright medley of tints which blend in our eye.

  出自:E. H. Gombrichtint的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】color颜色dye染料shade阴影tinge淡色tone语气stain污点hue色调touch触摸colour颜色streak一系列rinse清洗highlight强调trace痕迹cast掷colorant著色剂colourant颜料、着色剂...blush脸红tincture气息tinct颜色临近单词tinytinselTintaTintoTintetintyTINTSTintiTintartinte秦长青和李焕儿穿越唐朝的小说书名叫什么:小说主人公是秦长青李焕儿的书名叫《秦长青李唤儿穿越大唐》,这本小说的作者是佚名写的一本穿越重生类小说。rtintedtint B