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wits 词典释义与在线翻译


  wits 畅通词汇 英 [w?ts]    美[w?ts]     n.机智;智力;智慧名词wit的复数形式. newwits的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)机智智力智慧维茨(音译名)_null.名词wit的复数形式abbr.(缩略词)World Industrial Trucks Statistics 世界工业车辆统计协会Westinghouse Interactive Timesharing System威斯汀豪斯交互式分时系统Weather Information Telemetry System气象情报遥测系统Weather Information Telemeter Signal天气情报遥测信号英英释义Noun:the basic human power of intelligent thought and perception;"he used his wits to get ahead""I was scared out of my wits""he still h用胸膛堵住敌人枪口的人民英雄是谁?黄继光,用胸膛堵住敌人枪口的人民英雄是黄继光。1952年10月,为了完成任务,减少战友们的伤亡,黄继光猛地一下爬起来,像虎一样扑向敌人的火力点,用自己的胸膛堵住了正在扫射的机枪射孔,壮烈牺牲,牺牲时年仅21岁!ad all his marbles and was in full possession of a lively mind" wits的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)The beggar boy lived by his wits.乞童靠机智维生。Quick wits and courage are the magic weapons for defeating enemies.机智和勇敢是化解危险的法宝。The game show is an open contest of wits and strength.该游戏节目是一项需要智力与体力的公开赛。I entered the quiz just for fun and found myself pitting my wits against a university professor.我出于好玩才去参加这次智力竞赛,结果发现我要与一位大学教授斗智。Jeer at life with humor and wits.用幽默和智慧嘲弄生活。Left pit his wits and will against nature's fury.只能用他的智慧和意志去对抗大自然的狂暴。wits的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】marbles动词marble的第三人...临近单词wittywitnessWitschWitsellWitschiwitsterWitscherWitschasWitscheyWitschelWitsutharomwits and beauties