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海岛大亨3秘籍 下面是秘籍代码


  海岛大亨3秘籍攻略分享了海岛大亨游戏中秘籍的使用方法,例举了不同密码对应不同功能,以及给出了使用秘籍的一些不妥之处。海岛大亨3和海岛大亨4的大部分秘籍是可以通用的,小编 不推荐玩家使用秘籍,因为使用秘籍以后貌似这一个游戏的分数是零,而且好像游戏里每一关相互有影响,所以可能会对后面的关卡有影响,比如说用秘籍加钱,你用了一时间给你加了,但是会一年一年的减掉的,比如你用了3次,30万那么未来的时间里会慢慢扣你30万,当然这个现象仅仅出现在海岛大亨4里,海岛大亨3没有这种现象。下面是秘籍代码:

  trabajono - Unlock all missions 解锁所有任务

  speedygonzales - Instant construction 速造建筑

  iamthestate - No prerequisites for edicts 颁布法令不需要前期条件

  elpollodiablo - Instant win 即赢此回合

  muchopesos - Gain 100,000 dollars 10万刀

  whiskey - +20 to relations with the US 美(瓜皮是什么意思?四川人说瓜皮可能有以下三种意义:一是此人是傻子,神经有问题;二是此人不聪明,反应比较迟钝;三是此人是其最喜爱的人,瓜皮是对他的爱称。)国关系加20

  nowhiskey - -20 to relations with the US 美国关系减20

  vodka - +20 to relations with the USSR 苏联关系加20

  novodka - -20 to relations with the USSR 苏联关系减20

  twoheadedllama - Raises tourism rating to 100 游客评价提升至100

  pachangasi - Raises happiness values of all Tropicans by 10 到过人民幸福指数全部提升10

  dinggratz - Maximizes all workers experience and students graduate instantly. 工人经验立刻最大化和学生立刻毕业


  cheguevara - Triggers a Rebel Attack on a building

  downwiththetyrant - Triggers a Rebel Attack on the Palace

  vivala1 - Triggers an Assassination Attempt

  vivala2 - Triggers a Hostage Crisis

  vivala3 - Triggers a Bomb Threat

  vivala4 - Triggers a Worker Strike

  vivala5 - Triggers Media Occupation

  vivala0 - Triggers a Random Subversive Activity

  generalpenultimo - Triggers a Military Coup

  civilwar - Triggers an Uprising

  tornado - Activates Tornado Disaster

  tornadilla - Activates a Tornado Outbreak

  oilspill - Activates Oil Spill Disaster

  drought - Activates Drought Disaster

  volcano - Activates Volcano Eruption

  tsunami - Activates Tsunami Disaster

  fuego - Activates Fire Disaster

  hurricane - Activates Hurricane Disaster

  earthquake - Activates Earthquake Disaster
