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zatan )weng'an


  zatan(zatan) Sea return sea is not return, is the overseas Chinese forever heart knot. Several students studying in the United States have made a movie called quot;go home quot;, which means this one. People often ask: can you return to sea? My answer is: give me 10 million RMB also not sea return! Recently, a new type of domestic university, to the introduction of American educational philosophy, recruiting a senior professor at the university of American designer, had the DEAN or director, vice President of the academic experience, to when the DEAN (that is, the meaning of academic director). The treatment is about 2 million yuan a year. You multiply it by 5, which is 10 million. One of my best friends is a senior executive in the Chinese financial sector, vice minister of ministerial level, asking if I am interested. Considering this, the basic idea of struggle is declined. Among my classmates, there are also many successful ones, and I have a large insurance company, a senior director of IT company, and a million or more salary per year. Career and life are brilliant. However, if I have to exchange my present work and life with them, I will give me ten million, and I am not interested in returning to the sea. I prefer the rural life in America. Here, I have a living wage, a job I love, and a lot of freedom. Spring is full of flowers, summer is green, autumn is red, and winter is white. There is enough vacation every year to travel around the world. I don't have to worry about the air pollution that would be ticklish in the throat of Beijing, and the amount of money that could be avoided. Don't worry there will be more (苏轼的诗有哪些?苏轼被我们熟知的诗有《题西林壁》、《饮湖上初晴后雨二首·其二》、《水调歌头》、《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》和《题领巾绝句》等等。)weng 'an, sun zhigang, black coal miners, won't have to worry about quot;my dad is li gang quot; that BMW to hit, or was poking a knife to the hospital emergency room because I didn't bring enough money with being refused to blood transfusion and the rescue treatment. China's academic corruption is fast to the point of terminally ill. The paper can be copied, rich children have not enough points, should pa...
