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二马人圭歌词 leaveyou


  大家肯定觉得二马人圭这个名字很别扭很奇怪吧? 你们听的二马人圭串联里面,第一首歌才是我这里说的<二马人圭>哈! 这个歌名源于一女生:冯佳 那是一男子的女朋友冯佳出车祸死后,那男人写的词 这首歌的名字也可以说是叫<冯佳> 大家听到歌词里唱到"if I...if I...I know..leave you..." 具体歌词怎么都找不到... 其实我这也是听朋友说的他朋友的事.. 不知道是否是真的! 可是我宁愿相信...... 我说的绝无虚假!!!!!!! 《二马人圭》 If I very leave you watch you love me for one time If I very heart you watch you stupid by myself I know I was wrong with you laugh at need you I hopes not to lave cause baby I miss you. If I didn’t leave you, Would you love me for a long time. If i didn’t hurt you. Would you still be by my side. I know I was wrong, Realise that I need you. I hope it’s not too late. Cause baby I miss you

